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Yoga on Deck

Study with us

We are a host site for Tensegrity Training . We offer government accredited professional Pilates courses, backed by industry professionals, Australian Pilates associations, Fitness Australia and ESSA. Tensegrity is the the gold star of contemporary Pilates education Australia.


Become a Pilates professional, work with individuals or groups – You will be an Allied Health Professional who is equipped with the required skills, knowledge and experience to successfully work as a Pilates movement teacher.  Both the 52855WA Certificate IV in Contemporary Pilates and Teaching Methodology and the 10596NAT Diploma of Contemporary Pilates and Teaching Methodology courses will provide you with client assessment skills, exercise prescription and teaching techniques, as well as a solid understanding of anatomy, physiology and associated pathologies.



What course is for me? 


Cert IV

Certificate IV in Contemporary Pilates and Teaching Methodology (National Code 52855)

The Matwork certification gives you the skills and knowledge to teach Pilates Matwork exercises and create programs professionally. You will become a safe, effective, contemporary Pilates teacher. 

Certification grants you the opportunity to join both Australian Pilates industries peak bodies - the PAA and APMA and is ESSA recognised for continuing edu. This course is a great way to start out in the Pilates industry. You can start your own business or teach mat classes in other studios, gyms, other allied health practices such as a physiotherapy clinic. 




Diploma of Contemporary Pilates and Teaching Methodology (National Code 10596NAT)

The diploma is going much deeper into the Pilates method. You will become specialised in teaching on all Pilates equipment in a clinical and non clinical setting. You will become a highly employable Pilates expert with a holistic approach to health and wellbeing. As an allied health professional your scope of practice is increased and you will be able to work with people with a range of pathologies and injuries in a safe and effective manor. 

Certification grants you the opportunity to join both Australian Pilates industries peak bodies - the PAA and APMA and is ESSA recognised for continuing edu. This course is the ultimate career changer/starter. You can start your own business or teach in clinical settings, studios, gyms, and other allied health practices such as a physiotherapy clinic. 

Certificate IV or equivalent as a pre-requisite.




Integrated Diploma - many students choose to study both the Cert IV and the Diploma programs blended together. This is our most popular program. If you are looking to become a full time Pilates teacher or to simply immerse yourself. This is the one for you!  

An extensive range of Short Courses are also available.



Short Course

We offer a range of short courses and master classes throughout the year. These courses are recognised as continuing education with ESSA, PAA, AMPA,Fitness Australia. 








 0415 504 520





Unit 6 11-13 Cochrone St





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